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This is a picture of a character and a background. also,there is one more picture it is a picture of the inside part of the  house. I made it by going to unity. First, we go to unity and makE the background. Next, we go the script. Then, we we do the other things. After, we make a new scene of the house and do the script of the house. At last, we take a picture and a video but, I could not take a video, I could not MAKE THE PLAYER MOVE.

 This is a video of The player walking around. I could not make the player kill the enemy, because the knife is not showing. There was a problem sorting the layer. That is why the player could not kill the enemy. As you see in the video, you can see that if The player gets hit by the enemy it disappears.

  This is a video about the player fighting withe the enemy and going in the house and coming back out. Also, going in the tent. Everything worked ecept the wing affect and going out of the tent. The wing affect did not work because my unity suddenly stopped. Going out of the tent did not work because I did something wrong. Oh! one more thing. The video is not smooth.

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